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My name is Isabell Herzog. You find the hard facts about me in my social media profiles.

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Work  experience

more than 15 years as a coach for private people and in organisations


30 years as a trainer and instructor in workshops and trainings


Theory U

Social Presencing Theater​ Practitioner

MA Business Coaching & Change Management

Training as a Kinesiologist (Level 3)

Training as a Life Coach

​​MA politics and English Literature



How I view people and the world

'Life is not a pony farm' - do you know and 'love' this saying as much as I do? ;-) And yet there is some truth to it: every life is not only characterized by the beautiful things, but also by events or encounters that don't necessarily taste good. My life is no exception.

Basically, I am a person who loves change. I get bored quickly, I like looking for new challenges and sometimes life throws things at me that change me and my life, even if I don't necessarily always want it that way.

What I have learned over the course of my life is that each of these new challenges - and especially the ones I didn't expect or want - wanted to take me further. They forced me to either take steps forward in my development, towards a new ME, or to stand still and sink into ever-growing fence post factories (you know the one, the hint with the fence post). I have always decided to walk, which was not always easy, but always worth the effort.

That's why I'm happy to give you support, my understanding and perhaps also my sympathy, but also a lot of fence posts to get you moving - towards a new understanding of yourself, the next stage of development or mastering your next task.

I'm not willing to do your own work for you, though.  You have to go alone, but I am happy to stand by your side and accompany you for as long as it is good for you.

Nobody 'needs' my help - we can actually all find our own way, as we have the wisdom within us to do so. And that's a good thing. However, sometimes it's just nice to have someone who can show you new impulses and ideas, new perspectives and the space of possibilities when you can't see them yourself.

I don't exclude myself from this - I also like to seek help when necessary, because no one is perfect and I haven't eaten wisdom with spoons either.

My view of the world is also characterized by personal responsibility. I don't take that away from anyone and accordingly I don't give advice, nor do I judge, nor can I take decisions away from someone else. I believe that if we are brave enough to face the challenges on the outside and our own shadows on the inside, we can go through life more easily, happily and authentically. I practise this with myself and I empower my customers and clients to do the same.



Do not hesitate to get in touch.

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